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Teenage Students Raising Hands



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January 5 - June 13, 2026

Universe Killer Theory

Atheism exist because of theist claiming there is a God, no atheist and theist would exist if theist don't claim this. If there were no God, no one would believe in anything. There would not be a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods because there would not be any God or gods. This by the way is the definition of Atheist. If no one would say that than there would be no atheists, there will be just people saying “God doesn't exist because I am certain” instead of saying God doesn't exist because there is lack of evidence.  If we knew there was no god we would say" there is no God and final" and atheism wouldn't exist Because the definition of atheism is "disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods." atheism is not " There is no God and that's final" Atheism is " I don't believe in God because there is no evidence, However there could be a God according to the theist who make such claims in spite of the lack of evidence".

We know this because for every positive there is a negative which lacks in the positive, therefor it is called a Negative. If heat exist than lack of heat exists and that is coldness, if there is light there is darkness which is lack of light and if there are believers there are non-believers if there is life there is also death which is the lack of life inside a physical body and the lack of life ofcourse means death. Death is the only different thing because heat does exist  and cold does not exist because cold is lack of heat but when it comes to lack of life , we do not say a lack of life because lack of life means death. A person can only be alive or dead, a person cannot be lacking when it comes to his life force. Abiotic components are nor dead and nor alive because to be dead you must have first lived a life.

Now the universe does not create life instead its purpose is to kill that life if there is any in existence. So the universe is responsible for death and cannot create life. The universe deteriorates and erodes life for example the universe erodes the physical human body because of time and we humans die it erodes things such as skin if the sun’s radiation gets too dangerous. Stars actually die too as well as planets tend to die sometimes. If the universe kills life than it cannot be responsible for the creation of life because time exists as a cause of the universe, time is something that makes us have a finite life span and across time we become old, die, erode and we become ash and food for the micro-organisms.

The universe creates only matter space and time which destroys life but because the universe is so vast sometimes in rare cases the own laws of the universe overlap and in rare cases they end up sustaining life with an Abiotic components. If the planet’s atmosphere was weak we would have died and the universe would have destroyed life like it is purposed to do. So if the universe didn't create life who did?

A force outside of the universe created a universe that kills life but he also created instances where life could be sustaining and life itself. The second question is what is life composed of? Life is composed of the body of matter and form that erodes by the universe because everything that exists in the universe must be made out of matter but the soul is inserted in the human beings to be distinguished between the non-living things.

Some souls are just made out of consciousness and other advanced souls such as recent homo sapiens are made out of consciousness + awareness of consciousness+ reasoning of that awareness of consciousness .The force must not be inside the universe because everything inside the universe is physical and deteriorates itself.

 First of all the universe was destined to kill life and because the universe is so vast it creates instances where it could sustain life. For example our planet earth. There was an instance in which a planet and a sun were near each other and the earth was the exact right amount of distance not to get burned. Our inner core is in the right polarity to make a magnetic field to protect us from solar radiation.

 We have an instance in which the universe provided water and a collision from an asteroid is said to make our moon and there was another instance in which the earth tilted so we have the seasons. Another instance is that the earth is not made of Gas but it's made of rock. These are all instances that came from the vastness of the universe that met at a certain point and combined together they could sustain life, in simple words it was all a concidence because of the vastness of the expanding universe but sustained life is different from life itself. We have to understand that matter is different from life. Matter alone is non-living, you can't expect a moving rock to suddenly talk like a human. The universe has matter time and space which erodes and kills life but because of its vastness it can create instances where it can sustain life and this is why we haven't found yet extra-terrestrial beings. Let's imagine the sun suddenly moving closer to earth, it would mean our doom as a species. We can conclude that if you go outside in the universe without a spacesuit you will die that is a fact, when you go out in space with a space suit, you are protected by the resources earth has provided meaning that you can survive with self-sustaning components. So something that kills life cannot create life. If you have a virus in your computer it is only destined to destroy the computer not fix it and make the computer better, However there is an anti-virus which is above the virus and can fix the virus because the anti-virus is like a virus destroying the virus. So with the same reasoning God or a force needs to create life and God is like the Anti-virus which can kill the aspect of death in the universe by making the universe vast and to create instances where life could be sustained and also the creation of thought , consciousness and soul which are in the same spectrum.

The universe evolves and expand and that is proof that the universe is not eternal. Secondly it does kill life, the universe doesn't create life because if it were to create life we would have alien neighbors everywhere. The universe kills life because the instance the sun gets a little bit hotter it will kill millions and millions of our species. The earth is like a small settlement or shell that protects the living and this shell of protections only forms because of the universe being so vast and some of its elements meet in one instance like our planet earth and they grow a shell that's ready to sustain life. If we humans or any kind of life try to live outside our earth. The universe will kill that life. The universe evolves and expands but it’s purpose is to kill life, that one die it is said that it will even destroy itself by crunching upon itself and this is known as the big crunch theory.


 When people start to disprove this theory we start asking these questions so see if they deny anything from the theory such as “do you deny having a consciousness or thought that you cannot touch?” “Do you deny the universe eroding matter?” “ Do you deny that the universe is still expanding and therefor it isn't eternal and if matter is not eternal because it is physical and it can get eroded?”, Therefor because thought is not physical and cannot be eroded by the universe Consciousness is the reason we say stuff like “I feel like I am alive". Surely a stone made out of matter cannot say "I feel like I am alive" because it doesn't have consciousness. If consciousness is the basis of our life how can it be created from the universe which kills life at the very instance we leave our settlement of safety that was formed out of rare instances. Therefor consciousness because it cannot be eroded therefor it is eternal and the eternal cannot be created by the finite universe. Finite matter can only create finite more complex matter like in chemistry. Do you deny all of this based on our facts and everything science has to offer?

The force of God was needed to create consciousness or the soul  Do you have proof that the soul doesn't come out right of the body? I have just said that you cannot touch consciousness and because it isn't physical it cannot be eroded and therefor it is eternal. You just said " The absence of consciousness in a dead being" That translates back right in to my theory which says that matter dies but when the matter does, the consciousness could not be sustained by the matter so there is absence of consciousness not consciousness which has died, that consiousness goes to a place where there is no matter or a place which matter is constructed differently from this universe, The soul is the reason you say " I am alive" The concept of life is evidence of the consciousness and awareness. A rock of matter doesn't say "I am alive" and it is composed of matter like us human beings but yet it doesn't have a soul and it cannot think

  Lets make God is equal to water, so god=water and B= glass and C=how much of the glass is filled or how much evidence there is of God. I can calculate how much of the glass is filled but let's just say that no tools exist to make the measurements, let's also take in to account that the person making the measurements is also blind. What does the blind person do? Does he give up and say " I don't believe in the water being in the glass since, I don't have the essential tools for it". The blind person only has two options, 1 option= Give up and don't believe in water since I don't have the means of measurements and I’ll become and atheist because the water is equal to= God and I don’t have the means to collect the evidence.      Option 2= uses his wits and his thoughts to determine the depth of the water. The blind person ends up using option 2 to determine the depth and he uses his fingers to touch where the water stops filling up the cup, not only that but he drinks the water to make sure that it is water and not something else and lastly he uses his sensations to lift the cup to determine if the weight of the glass corresponds to that depth that he just touched with his fingers.

Even the blindest person can make measurements and turn out to be accurate. The Job of the theist is exactly that, the theist has little evidence and little sight and by using his evidence he can make claims which cannot be denied in theory.

 From what the Hindu and Buddhists say they often refer to the soul being in the mind rather than in the body. They refer to the pineal gland and to the third eye and some people often encounter OBE, people who study energy and Tai Chi and also meditation. They talk a lot about the soul residing somewhere between the third eye chakra and the Crown Chakra. We can refer to this and it makes more sense for the soul to reside in the brain instead of somewhere else inside the body but we don’t know where the soul actually resides but according to my theory it does exist.

Another thing when people deny this theory when it comes to the soul is sayng the following . “Do you have proof that the soul doesn't come out right of the body?” I just said that you cannot touch consciousness and because it isn't physical it cannot be eroded and therefor it is eternal. The absence of consciousness in a dead being translates back right in to my theory which says that matter dies but when the matter does, the consciousness could not be sustained by the matter so there is absence of consciousness because the consciousness would no longer be able to function and make decisions if the body doesn’t respond well and the doctors at that moment declare you totally dead because first your body dies and for sever minutes after the heart has stopped beating the consciousness would be fading away but not dying, that consciousness goes to a place where there is no matter or a place which matter is constructed differently from this universe.

The Soul is consciousness and there are many different levels. In order for the soul to work inside this universe it must reside in a physical body made out of matter and this body must reside in a place where life can be sustained. The soul is rationality and it distinguishes humans from rocks. The tree has consciousness and it has only consciousness. The animal has consciousness and he is aware of his own consciousness but the animal can't make rational decisions such as "Will it be moral if I kill two rats instead of one rat, when in all reality I only need one to spend 3 days alive?” The tree however has only consciousness but is not aware of it and therefor the tree rarely moves only when necessary it is not consciously aware of the decisions it takes because a tree only moves towards the sunlight to live, the tree is not aware of the things that it is doing, for example a tree which is healthy will grow in an out of control way. The human is special, he has a soul that he is consciously aware of like the animal but can also rationalize his consciousness in which he is aware of. We have evolved also in such a way that our consciousness as humans can be expressed because if our consciousness was stuck inside an animal we would be able to take rationalized decisions but for example we couldn't be able to talk we would only be able to grunt. The voice box is an evolutionary miracle because it was so special in terms of evolution. So evolution help sustain the different types of souls.

 For example the consciousness of an animal could not be inside a plant because once the plants gets out to move from its roots it would die. So to support the soul of the animal, there must be the evolutionary process of the animal to support that consciousness to express itself.

Here are only four types of souls. The vegetative soul, the animal soul, the rational soul and in the end we have the supply of consciousness which is all thoughts bound together. These souls cannot evolve in to a rational above rational soul that doesn't even make sense logically. The body can evolve but the soul can't. The fact that we have a superior mind to animals is just because we have the third soul the rational soul instead of the animal soul.

the universe kills life, therefor it cannot create it. Something more powerful is needed to create life because the creation of life is a deed that even the universe can't do. So God is possible for the creation of life but it could be another cause. Whatever it is, it is more powerful than the universe and it is eternal because the universe is finite and it creates finite things while consciousness cannot be killed by the universe therefor it is eternal and whatever is eternal is created by something else eternal. The biblical description of God is "Cannot be seen" because he might just be thought and a source of life or consciousness. He acts on the physical, creates the physical. Meaning that he is above the universe and God since he is above the universe and above space , time and matter he isn't effected by time, therefor he is also eternal And the eternal can create eternal things such as the soul or consciousness.

If evolution wasn't all about us or the human soul, even animals would become eventually a human or close to that of a human. If the soul of a human or the abilities of a human of consciousness were to be inputted inside an animal, that animal won't be able to function properly since it doesn't have the body of the evolved human. Think about it, if humans keep evolving and evolving, we would become the Gods of the universe and that defies Logic because how can a universe support Gods or rather how can the universe keep within itself supreme beings which are above the universe in each and every way. I am talking about a non-endless amount of years. The human soul cannot evolve there is nothing else except for rationality which we already have. Our physical body can evolve in time that is true but our mind won't get any smarter than this.

 Chimps have an animal soul still but it is inside a body that's highly evolved. They can communicate by sign language but they can never talk. The Australopithecus already had some sort of intelligence rather stronger than that of chimps you may say that the rational soul was implanted inside of them but the  Australopithecus viewed back on their previous animalistic traditions and disregarded the the rational soul because their body was still not developed to a rational soul. The Homo erectus however learned even how to make fire which means that they were using their rational soul up to Good use. The human body or modern humans may still evolve in another 4000 years it is said, So the body does evolve but the rational soul stays the same, do you think that if we evolve , our mind becomes all seeing and all powerful?

 The brain functioning does not mean that I suddenly feel alive because a brain without its body won't even work because the soul would have left or consciousness would have left. That is another proof. If the brain were just functioning it would work without attachments of the body. Consciousness needs a body to express itself in physical form. If we had no consciousness than a brain in a laboratory would make decisions of his own. Although the brain works with the ability of the heart and blood flowing, it is said that the brain is still consciousness even after the heart has died.

The brain cannot survive without its body and the consciousness will stop being consciousness if the brain won't support the consciousness. If the brain is not supported by the heart, the brain will stop working and if the brain stops working you will lose the ability of consciousness and consciousness will fade away. In hospital scans just before the person dies, the heart dies immediately and so does most of the brain but the inner most part where the consciousness probably resides it is said that it fades away slowly about an hour after the sudden death of a heart. The heart dies suddenly while the consciousness "fades away”. There is a difference between an organ that suddenly dies like the heart and consciousness which slowly fades away. The consciousness fading away signifies that the brain can no longer support the consciousness, so the soul starts fading away or leaving the body. If CPR restarts the blood flow, it will trigger the brain to function and if it can function the brain, the brain will be able to support your consciousness and your consciousness will stay and it won't leave your body therefor you won't die.

 Some atheist woul say “But there’s no reason to assume that a person's consciousness is anything more than their brain function or that it exists after death.”

Long ago There was a Frankenstein-Based experiment in which scientist grabbed a dead body and gave him a super Electrical Charge and the heart pumped blood and the brain was triggered to support consciousness but of course the body was already dead meaning that consciousness or the soul had already left the body. The brain was functioning and the dead body was twitching his eyes and opening them and closing them along with moving his hands because of the brain triggering. Does this mean that the dead Body is now alive? No because the body moved because the brain was functioning but '"Life" Or consciousness was not inside him because it had left long ago meaning that the dead body even do he had a functioning brain he could not make logical and rational decisions and he didn't start talking and he certainty did not feel alive.

Much like Mary Shelley’s Victor Frankenstein, Ure stood over a recently dead body (a man hanged for murder) on a murky November evening. It was 1818, and a theater full of students, anatomists, and doctors had gathered at the University of Glasgow to watch an experiment in galvanism – the stimulation of muscles with pulses of electrical current.

That November, as Ure held two metallic rods charged by a 270-plate voltaic battery, the audience waited to see what would turn out to be a grotesque dance of death. Ure later described the results of his experiments to the Glasgow Literary Society:

“When the one rod was applied to the slight incision in the tip of the forefinger, the first being previously clenched, that finger extended instantly; and from the convulsive agitation of the arm, he seemed to point to the different spectators, some of whom thought he had come to life.”

With the passing of the 1751 Murder Act in England, which allowed the bodies of executed murderers to be used in scientific experimentation without their consent prior to death, scientists turned from animals to human corpses. And though most contented themselves with the role of macabre puppeteer, Ure worked toward the actual Frankensteinan Goal of bringing the dead back to life.

His most famous experiment was on executed murderer Matthew Clydesdale, delivered to his exhibition just over an hour after his death from hanging. With his battery charged with dilute nitric and sulpharic acids and incisions made at the body’s neck, hip, and heels to expose different nerves, he was ready for his grand attempt at restoring life. When the man’s chest heaved after a jolt to the diaphragm, Ure felt “the success of it was truly wonderful.”



July 12, 2023

As most scientist will tell you, “give us a tad of evidence of the existence of god and we will be all over it.”
It's not like we don't want a god, it’s just that nature haven't given any proof of an existence of one yet. The universe killer theory doesn’t give certainty and mathematical and certain scientifical proof  of God existing, it only gives a theory that God exists based on reason and on scientific Theory.

But what if God wants to be Transparent....

In today’s world some governments are transparent to their state and to their citizens to reach their own purposes and goals without the citizens knowing. When this transpires the citizend doubt wheter the governement is doing Good or bad to the state and to the people. The same is with God, If God is transparent people will doubt his existence and they may become atheist. Now like the government God has his so called plan  for his own people.

 I can only give you evidence that's possible like for example the universe killer theory which gives a proof of God’s existence in the dependence of scientifcal theoretical proof and reason, this proof can not 100% proof that God exists if we consider the fact that God is hiding from us.

Have you ever considered that God might be hidden from us? Think about it for a second. A God that walks among his people is a God without a plan for his people, A God that shows evidence of his existence would be stupid, this phase of life is a life of trial and error in which we sin and we atone for those sins and this is like a test for the next life. Even in this life of education we have many tests and exams to determine what our life will look like.

A God that shows himself in publicity will be a God that is stupid because the people would believe him and this phase would be no test at all. Instead God shows clues of himself by the bible and other writings by sending prophets and sending Jesus which we have historically proof of. If God never gave these clues it would be fine for the whole world to be atheist and not believe in him but he leaves these clues so that the human will doubt the existence of God and doubt everything he says and that my friend is the real test. God may be hidden from us and it is said that God will send no other being to send these clues anymore.

The last apostles ended the bible and ended the revelation of God. Therefor if God is trying to hide himself from us, I cannot give you a mathematical calculations of God's existence because he may be hiding from us.

 God never walks with the humans, he only did that in the Genesis with Adam and Eve before the sin, so no test was needed but after the sin, God never walks with the humans in the same way because he wants to test the humans. It is the human who has abadoned God because it is the human that ate from the tree of Knowledge of bad and good, this means that the human has decided to take matters in to his own hands and decide what is right and what is wrong for himself. This implies that if the human will decide what is morally right and wrong, it also means that the human does not require guidance, especially the guidance of God. So Humans derelicted the guidance of God, to rely on their own instincts, so it is the fault of us people that we no longer see God in the form of spirit. Adam and Eve used to look upon him as if it were there own friend talking directly to them. The human pray for guidance when they find themselves troubled and that means that they once more they wish for the guidance of God when they have lost hope, so therefor God reveals himself by other means and helps his people without directly revealing and talking to his people.

“God hides because we have sinned and rejected his guidance, only through his clues of indirect revelation may we find salvation , only through his indirect guidance we may diverge from the path of sin”- Giosue Agius

Like in a school you are guided to pass your exams and test but you are never given the full answer of the exam’s question. The teacher may indirectly tell you the answer in a lesson to be an indirect answer, to be as guidance to your test or exam.

Since we sinned, we must face trail and that is the trail of life and it’s difficulties and to do that we must have guidance, but since it is a test the guidance is indirectly given but nonetheless it does exist. We cannot go to the heavans and live again since we have sinned, so the test is the test of purification.

 Even when he addresses his disciples he never comes down himself instead he is in the form of a burning tree that speaks with Moses for example. Now you might tell me Jesus was sent as a human being to walk with the humans but we must never forget that Jesus is the Son of God not God himself. This is known as the Transparent God theory.

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January 5 - June 13, 2026

Although science has given us many answers, science still has it’s faults. Science experiments on the natural phenomenal only, but when it comes to it God’s existence, heaven and hell are out of the scientifical approach because they are regarded as supernatural phenomenal. God is found outside of the universe and his creation because if God were found in the universe than he would certainly be affected by it and a God that’s affected by time, space or matter is certaintly not a God worth worshipping and also a God which is limited due to being affected by time,space and matter.

God is not a man nor is he a woman or an animal, God is spirit, he cannot be measured by the means of biology either because God has been living always and doesn’t wither away. Biology measure only the living organism that eventually die and have a beating heart, we cannot touch God because he is out of our reach.

Imagine a programer. A programer designs and then he programs the code on a computer and he complies it, checks if there is an error and he makes the program work. The programmer is not inside the program running amock the machine code and fixing the errors inside the screen itself, the programmer is outside his creation and he is unaffected by it. By the same reasoning  God created the universe and the bible answers this in 10 words “In the begining” meaning he created time itself. “God created the heaven”, the heaven is space. “and he created earth” there is also matter. So the bible proves to us that God created time,space and matter. Time, space and matter is a continiumn all of them have to come in to existence at the same instant because if there were matter but no time “ Where would you put the matter?” If there were space and matter but no time then when would you put it?

As you can see God is above time, space and matter and since science explores the natural phenomenal, therefor it explores time,space and matter because God is above time,space and matter God cannot be inside the universe, he is outside the natural phenomenal. Remember the programer that is always outside of his creation. God’s existence is a supernatural phenomal which cannot be tested by science and experiments, it can only be proven by what god gives us. God has given us historical, geographic facts and he has given us the bible and also revealed himself through his son Jesus and many other people and prophets.

You cannot just make a formula  that defines God. If I were to say carbon +silicon= God, than obviosly by knowing the formula of God , I can actually create “God” and become a “God”, if God was that limited it would be a shame to the english language to call him “God” . This also proves that God cannot be proved by chemistry

God cannot be measured by physics because God cannot be measured by mathematics. Mathematics is a human made artificial language to count numbers which are infinite but we also use numbers because we know that the concept of time exists. God has no time because he is outside of time, he created time, he is not affected by time. This also proves that God cannot be measured by Physics

There is only one science that can make a comprehension of God’s greatness and that is enviromental science which studies the enviroment of our earth and the universe. Other sciences that are lumped in the mix with enviromental science are geology,oceonology and meteorology. This science can make a comprehension of how God can be great. This science can only “comprehend” but it can’t make measurments. Measuring the enviroment cannot measure God himself because If the enviroment was as equal as God than obviously that would make the Enviroment a secondary God which doesn’t make sense. God created something which was imprefect in it’s absolute form but it had perfect things too, for example he created people who are perfect in music but imperfect in mathematics. If there are these small perfections found in creation then obviously there must be someone who is the (absolute perfect) and we call this spirit God.

We cannot create God just as we cannot create life. Even if we create life that doesn’t make the existence of God not real because I believe that in the future a life form will be created by science.  As I said before science is in the realm of Natural phenomenal, life is found in the universe, we can actually study and measure life, we measure life on a geological time-scale and even on a human time-scale.

 Soon if technology advances we may create life but that still begs the question of how did the first living organism came to be? How is it possible that life was created without human scientifical intervention?

Atheist often try to  wrong Theist by saying that the universe formed by the famous Big Bang. The big bang is a theory which has been tested scientifically and the constant expanding of the universe indicates that in the beginning when nothing was around, a big gargantum explosion of energy and chemicals exploded expanding the universe in seconds, because we have the concept of “time” and of death, we also came up with a theory called “the big crunch” that states that when the universe gets expanded enough almost as if it was reaching it’s elastic limit it will crunch up together in to a much smaller size causing all the galaxies, planets and constellations to crush together.

A question has been raised about the Big bang? Even if it exploded and it seems like the big bang created the universe, where did the chemicals come from? How where they created? Why  did they explode?

We know that God is above time,space and matter. Meaning that only God could trigger the explosion and only God could create the necessary chemicals out of his Will. The physical laws of the universe is what you actually see. God is outside all of that. If he created the laws of physics of our universe why would he be in them? If he was in them, then God and the universe are on the same kind of level. If he was in them already he needn't create the universe and if he needn't create the universe therefor he would not be God, he would be a limited God that lives in the universe and he is affected by its natural phenomena and the laws of physics.

A limited God:

A limited God would exist inside the universe and become effective by the laws of physics of the universe just like a human being or other Alien forms in the universe if they exist. The God will be limited and he won’t be a spirit at all because he would reside in the realm of natural phenomena. In fact he is very limited and it’s almost as if  he isn’t God at all. The best God could do if he was limited by the universe is maybe become a constellation like Andromeda in Greek mythology. This God will just  have the powers residing with natural phenomenals meaning that this God cannot cause “miracles” he can only cause what’s already inside the universe. If this God is inside the realm of physicality, he will decay with time or explodes like a SuperNova. God will eventually die even if it is after a few million years. We have proof of this when Jesus was sent to the realm of physicality and in the end he died by crucifixion. Jesus actually died but he rose from the dead by the powers of the super natural being, called God and the super natural holy spirit encouraged scared, pitiful men to share the word of God and the “Good News” to the ends of Europe. If God was limited, his son Jesus would come to the earth cause some sort of miracles that come from the natural phenomenal perspective and when he died, he would have remained dead.

Gods that are limited

Gods that are limited created the universe isn’t a lame question to ask. Gods that are limited however could not have created the universe. Remember when we said that one God which is limited only has the power to change slightly things that are withing the physical realm of the natural laws of the universe. Meaning that a God that is limited cannot create but only change things to it’s will. Many Gods that are limited could form the universe as we know it. These gods could have changed the alltilertation of the cosmos, some God could have been responsible for the creation of the earth’s chemicals, a God responsible for the sea or  the sudden change of a different atmosphere in the goelogical time-scale or maybe a God that displays order that orders bit by bit the formation of earth. There could even be Gods of Emotions, Gods that bended the feelings of love,feelings of happiness,pity and mercy but it sill begs the question if there were many imperfect Gods created that would make them a part of the universe meaning that they needed some exterior force to create them and this force is known as the “supreme God that created them all”. This type of belief is mostly found in the Greek Mythology and is isn’t a stupid question to ask that it might have been that many imperfect Gods created the order and it’s more prone to be this way instead of just one imperfect God or No God at all. Still even though this may be true, this will be part of polytheism and not theism.

Polytheism’s etmology is “the belief in or worship of more than one god”.

If there were many Gods that created the universe than why would we get a bible that speak of only one God as “Yahweh” in the old testament and “Jesus” in the New testament.

Why don’t we see any other form of God written in the bible. We don’t see any form of other gods nor in the bible of catholics, nor in the bible of protestants, nor in the Torah and the sole old testament of Judaism and nor in the Koran of Muslims.

A God that isn’t limited.

A God that is supreme is able to create super natural events such as for example  the creation of the universe, the raising from the dead. Death is a cause which will happen to every organism in the universe. A super natural event such as the dead rising from the grave cannot be done with the laws of our universe. Simply put super natural events seem to be impossible in a universe that has natural laws that can be measured. Remember when we said God cannot be measured by science this also means that we cannot measure the super natural event that he causes. Jesus did die and he was affected by the universal laws of nature because Jesus is God himself who had taken human form represented as the “Son of God”. The Son of God got himself affected because he had a human body. Jesus felt pain,grief,pity, mercy and died like all human beings but Jesus also performed “Miracles” such as raising other people from the dead, turning water in to wine, making people see again, cure illness and he also reserructed after he died. This just shows a God that is not limited, even when Jesus came to our universe, he was affected by the natural laws of the universe, yet he prevailed over them and did the rule-breaking of the laws of the universe. A God which isn’t limited is absolute, perfect and supreme over all. God is immortal and he doesn’t die, God was also always there to begin with. A God that isn’t limited doesn’t need other Gods. A God that isn’t limited can bend the rules of the universe. God that isn’t limited can reside outside his creation  and also inside of his creation by voicing his voice, sending angels, sending Jesus and sending the Holy Spirit.

Atheists about big bang and multiverse:

Atheist believe that the universe was created by the big bang but the big bang needed a first domino to start the whole chain moving and to trigger the explosion. For a big bang to exist there must be a big banger and we know that mere matter simple does not move by itself there must be a first cause. Atheist scienticst often say that proof that god doesn’t exist is that some of the movements in quantom mechanics, radioactive decay for example  have no disernable cause to move.

But hang on a second....

Just because scientist don’t see a cause doesn’t mean there isn’t one, it just means that scientists haven’t discovered it yet, maybe some day they will but even if they do find a cause they must search out for a new cause that created the previous one.

Science will never find the first cause to the existence of God because that is outside the realm of science and in to the realm of God.

Conclusion:“A conclusion that god exists doesn’t require faith, Atheism requires faith, it takes faith in beliving everything is coming from Nothing, it takes only reasoning for everything coming from God.

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